Invitation to submit abstract at 2018 AGU: Coupled-processes and multi-scale understanding ...
Post date: Jun 28, 2018 10:45:29 AM
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to consider submitting an abstract to our co-organised session at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, which will be held on 10-14 December 2018 in Washington.
Session ID: 48320
Session Title: MR005. Coupled-processes and multi-scale understanding of geological storage reservoirs: Experimental and modelling approaches in rock physics (see session description* below)
Section/Focus Group: Mineral and Rock Physics
View Session Details:
Georgios Papageorgiou (University of Edinburgh)
Jordi Delgado (University of La Coruña)
Ismael Falcon-Suarez (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)
The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday, 1 August 23:59 EDT.
We look forward to receiving your abstract and seeing you in Washington!
*Session description:
Carbon Capture (Utilization) and Storage CC(U)S technology encompasses injecting CO2 into deep geological formations, at specific sites selected for long-term (>10,000 yr), large-scale storage. CO2-injection may compromise the integrity of geological reservoirs due to the coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechano-Chemical phenomena (THMCs) derived from CO2-fluid-rock interactions. Likewise, the scale problem, which is central for the characterization and monitoring of reservoirs during and after injection (e.g., seismic surveys), is typically linked to observations of reservoir properties derived from core and log data.
This session aims to highlight the importance of the THMCs processes, their scale dependency and the necessity of a unified understanding based on experimental and mathematical approaches. We welcome researchers to share their work on coupled processes including experimentation and/or modeling, and the application/development of direct/indirect measurement and tracking techniques. Particularly attractive will be those works addressing the incidence of THMC during CC(U)S.