Special Issue Title: "Rock-physics - From microstructure to seismic signatures"
Post date: Jul 3, 2017 9:51:25 PM
Special Issue Title: "Rock-physics - From microstructure to seismic signatures"
Call for Papers:
This special issue invites contributions which make novel theoretical, experimental and applied developments within the field of rock-physics. We invite extended and updated versions of papers published at the recent 4th International Rock Physics Workshop in Trondheim, as well as submissions from anyone presenting new, innovative results in the field of rock-physics.
Rock-physics has received increased attention in the last decade due to the revolutionary exploitation of energy resources from unconventinals (shale gas, oil shales, tar sands). In particular, the investigations of nano- and micro-scale features of these types of reservoirs have proven to be an important part of the successful production of oil and gas from these plays. Also in the last decade, quantitative interpretation (QI) workflows where rock-physics constitutes a fundamental part, have become standard procedures in the petroleum industry.
One of the big challenges in rock-physics, is to bridge the gap between the different scales, from nano- and micro scale, where most of the experimantal work is done, to the well log and seismic scale, where most of the applications are made. Also, with recent applications of seismic geomechanics, there is a need to better understand the relationship between static and dynamic rock physics properties. One of the key topics of discussions at the 4IRPW in Trondheim, was whether we are able to honor fundamental rock physics in our integrated and upscaled QI workflows. With recent focus on machine learning and big data analysis, there is also a question of the future role of rock-physicisits, and how we integrate rock physics with computer science.
Suggested Topics:
We encourage the submission of papers covering different topics, from pure, fundamental research to more applied demonstrations and integrated case studies. More specifically, we suggest the following topics:
Fluid effects on rock physics: Dispersion (from sub-seismic to ultrasonic), attenuation and saturation dependenc
Geological processes and rock physics
Rock physics of unconventional reservoirs
The impact of geomechanics on rock physics and vice versa
Novel laboratory techniques
Integrated use and analysis of multiple measurement techniques (elastic, electromagnetic, NMR, and others)
Fractured rock physics and anisotropy
Up- & down-scaling
Quantitative interpretation using rock physics and/or machine learning
Time-lapse seismic applications
Shallow / near-surface rock physics for environmental and geohazard studies
Deep crustal and geothermal applications
Contributed papers are welcome to be submitted to “Geophysical Prospecting” by normal procedure via the Scholar One system (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gp), but notify upon submission the title of the Special Issue: "Rock-physics - From microstructure to seismic signatures".
Important dates:
Submission starts: July 15th, 2017
Paper submission deadline: October, 1st, 2017 (Deadline extended to October, 31st, 2017)
Acceptance/rejection notification: February, 15th, 2018
Paper publication: May, 2018
Editorial Board:
Per Avseth, NTNU/G&G Resources: SI Guest Editor
Andreas Bauer, Sintef/NTNU: AE
Ran Bachrach, Schlumberger: AE
Mark Chapman, Edinburgh University: AE
Angus Best, National Oceanography Centre: AE and DE for Geophysical Prospecting.